
Lando Chirino
NAME: Rolando Chirino
Kaya Wawa Scholtz 19 – Willemstad, Curacao – landochirino@hotmail.com/rolandoc@ladodgers.com – +(5999) 522 8895
DEPARTMENT: Latin American Scouting
POSITION/TITLE: International Scouting
· Suggestions:
- Experiences (Professional background / Previous careers):
- School Concierge Manager
- Education: Junior College
- ML players you have signed / coached:
- Scout Profile:
- 2004 Kenley Jansen MLB player
- 2013 Henrick Clementina
- 2013 Shakier Albert
- 2014 Jerson Domatilia
- 2015 Wally Vrolijk
- 2017 ReshentenTomsjansen
- 2017 Mayron Cathalina
- 2018 Deverick Martinus
- 2019 Cliyano Nahr
- 2019 Rolando Petronia
- 2020Angel Vilchez
- 2021 Alexander Albertus
- 2021 Marioshendrick Martinus
- 2022 Rodmar Angela
- Something most people don’t know about you: When I was in the Little League I played in the team and organization with Andruw Jones
- Participated for 3 months in a Baseball Course in Cuba
- Accomplishments / Awards / Honors:
- Experienced Baseball Coach and Scout –
- Coach Profile:
- 1997-1998 Brievengat Baseball Academy
- 1997-2008 Pichingolo Softball Team
- 1998-2001 Astros Baseball Team
- 1999-2001 Santa Maria Pirates AA-Team
- 2002-2004 Royal Scorpions AA-Team
- 2001-Now Tra’I Seru Baseball Team Organazation
- Coach Profile District Tournaments:
- 1997 Baseball Little League Curacao District Tournament
- 2001 Baseball Little League Curacao District Tournament
- 2004 Baseball Little League Curacao District Tournament
- 2005 Baseball Little League Curacao District Tournament
- 2008 Baseball Junior League Curacao District Tournament
2 / 2 - 2009 Curacao Softball National Team
– 2017 Baseball Senior League Curacao District Tournament
- Coach /Delegates Profile International:
- 1997 Baseball Little League Latin American Tournament in Venezuela
- 2001 Baseball Little League Caribbean Tournament in Panama 1srt place
winner - 2001 Baseball Little League World Series representing Caribbean Region
- 3rd place winner
- 2002 Curacao Women Softball National Team in Mexico
- 2006 Curacao Senior League Team in Mexico.
- Baseball Big League Regional Tournament in Panama
- 2012 Baseball Little League Caribbean Tournament in Puerto Rico 1srt place
- Winner (Delegates)
- 2014 Baseball Senior League Regional Tournament in Panama 1srt place
Winner (Delegate)
2014 Baseball Senior League World Series representing Latin American
Region (Delegate) - 2016 Baseball Big League Regional Tournament in Panama 1srt place
Winner (Delegate)
2016 Baseball Big League World Series representing Latin American Region
( Delegate) - Organizations / Hobbies
Instill confidence and provide encouragement to players
Owner of the Tra’I Seru Baseball Team Organazation
Founder of the Crème de La Crème International Baseball Yearly Tournament in 2002
Owner of The One Softball Team
5.Presidet of Asosiasion Liga Pariba
Little League Volunteer, Assistant to the District Administrator in Curacao
Teach Children to play Baseball
Provide skills instructions and motivational coaching in groups

Rochelle Martijn-Isenia
NAME: Rochelle Martijn-Isenia
Pèrmitimi introdusí mi mes ku un saludo deportivo. Mi nòmber ta Rochelle Martijn-Isenia. Mi ta kasá di José Louis Martijn i huntu nos tin 4 yu.

Mi a kompletá mi estudio komo dosente di promé grado den materia di Spañó i ta laborá aktualmente na Kolegio Prof. Dr. Alejandro Paula Havo/Vwo komo direktora athuntu.
Mi tin 18 aña laborando den sektor di enseñansa i mi tin un pashon enorme pa traha ku mucha i hubentut.
Mi mes no ta bini di un famia deportivo 🫣 Den mi famia mas bien, nos a lanta ku músika, pues nunka mi por a maginá ku nèt ami lo a djòin team di maneho di un organisashon di beisbòl.
Mi afinidat ku deporte a start ora mi a konosé mi kasá ku tabata hunga beisbòl den e ekipo di Brievengat. Komo “frei” e tempu ei, mi a kuminsá bai wak su weganan, pero sin niun konosementu di e deporte.
Boso mes por komprondé ku ora el a haña su promé yu hòmber (Kymani, aktualmente den divishon di Senior League) el a empeñá ku e tambe mester a hunga beisbòl. Entre tantu nos tin un yu mas chikí; Kayden, ku ta den Pre-Minor, pues nos a bolbe kuminsá ku un segundo buelta den beisbòl. Asina mi a bin krese den e deporte i amplia mi konosementu riba reglanan di wega i e organisashon den su totalidat.
Mi a asumí e kargo di presidensia pa e añanan nos dilanti pa purba nabegá nos organisashon den un temporada transitorio hopi importante, den kua nos tin un meta grandi; esta pa logra haña un tereno propio pa nos organisashon i desaroyá esaki pa nos muchanan por trein di forma optimal!
Nos organisashon a logra stablesé su mes komo un di e mihó ekiponan di Liga Pariba, ku trabou duru, sakrifisio i dedikashon di hopi boluntario ku ta sali nan kas tur siman pa yuda forma nos muchanan riba tereno deportivo, pero tambe komo siudadanonan ehemplar den nos komunidat. Nos ta orguyoso di tin peloteronan dediká i mayornan inbolukrá ku ta forma parti di nos organisashon.
Mi mensahe na nos muchanan, mayor i tur sostenedó di Tra’i Seru ta pa ban sigui stimulá amor pa team i e deporte den su totalidat. Sea ku bo ta slais na home òf apoyá den públiko, kada unu di boso ta forma parti di e vibrashon ku ta hasi e famia di Tra’i Seru asina spesial.
Ban pa un temporada di kampionnan tantu riba vèlt komo for di vèlt. Bisti boso spaiknan i pèchinan di suerte, i prepará pa duna boso mihó presentashon!
Si boso tin kualke pregunta òf idea briyante, mi ta habrí pa esakinan. Djis no pidimi pa para Umpire 😉😂
Play ball ⚾🔥
Oliver Stagehand
Customer Specialist
Emily Jackson
Production Manager